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Anunturi administrative
Aici gasiti ultimele anunturi administrative ====================================================================== Anunt Concurs - ACS Academia Română – Filiala Timişoara organizează concurs pentru ocuparea unui post de Asistent Cercetare Ştiinţifică cu timp parțial și contract pe perioadă determinată, specializarea Chimie sau Inginerie Chimică,...
Who are we?
The Romanian Academy – Timișoara branch
In the history of Romanian science and culture, the Romanian Academy occupies a special place, through the activity carried out over time, through the authority of the decisions taken, through the unity and national solidarity manifested, it being “an elite body of science and intelligence” , “the highest temple of the nation’s culture”, “the supreme areopagus of Romanian thought and feeling”
It is an honor for the inhabitants of this area to be proud that Banat was the place where so many distinguished personalities found the right environment for the enrichment of science and culture.
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